Where’s Mawlo
This was by far one of my most intricate pieces at time(3Years Ago). I conveyed so many messages....Almost dead center there’s a piece of the clock in the shape of Africa. Embedded inside, there’s a vagina to Imply Life’s Origins. All organisms are built from the same six essential elemental ingredients : Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus and Sulfur. Depicted throughout the piece(Floating Books). My Favorite parts of this piece is the Queen chest piece hanging from a hanger, which is hidden beneath tape. As truth usually is hidden. The 2 eggs, one is the center of the clocks big and small hand while the other is cracked. This is how I’ve chosen to imply that only the strong will survive. And lastly my utmost favorite piece is Myself Sitting at the corner of it all. Smoking and reading a book about Love. While the next book on the stack is Titled Mawlo. I give a glimpse of its content in the big book underneath the tree. There is truth to everything I do.
In conclusion sometimes we have a choice to be at peace in a peaceful place or we can find peace where there is none, hence the door in the tree. Bordered by Caution Tape.